Menopause Reimagined with Andrea Donsky
✨Welcome to Menopause Reimagined.✨
I'm your host Andrea Donsky, a Multiple-Award Winning nutritionist (almost 20 years), and I'm IN menopause. I'm a Menopause Educator, Menopause Researcher, and the Co-founder of www.wearemorphus.com, a company dedicated to helping you manage your menopausal symptoms.
The goal of this podcast is to empower you to take control of your perimenopause & menopause symptoms with nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, research and hormones (if that's what you choose to do) so you can thrive through this phase of your life.
No topic is off limits because I'm on a mission to banish the stigma of menopause by talking about it openly and honestly.
You're NOT crazy and you're NOT alone because we have each other. 💜
Follow me on TikTok (@andreadonsky) & Instagram (@andreadonsky & @wearemorphus).
Thanks for listening.
Menopause Reimagined with Andrea Donsky
Ep #125: Age Backwards in Perimenopause and Menopause with Zora Benhamou
Andrea Donsky, a nutritionist, menopause educator, and published researcher, speaks with gerontologist and biohacker Zora Benamou. Together, they explore strategies to enhance healthspan—living healthier for longer—while navigating the challenges of aging, including perimenopause and menopause. Topics range from personal biohacking techniques to addressing the emotional aspects of watching our parents age.
Key Takeaways
- The difference between healthspan and lifespan
- What is gerontology?
- Taking a personalized approach to biohacking
- How the study of gerontology and biohacking apply to women in perimenopause and menopause
- The emotional side of watching our parents age
- Practical tips for enhancing our healthspan
Other Resources Mentioned:
Podcast: Male Menopause (Andropause) with Bryce Wylde https://youtu.be/HLiGmS8dnqQ
Podcast: Caring for You and Others in Perimenopause and Menopause https://youtu.be/xYmp8SJFxY8
Podcast: Weight Loss Peptides in Perimenopause and Menopause with Nathalie Niddam https://youtu.be/4ulSlrZm6CE
Morphus Menopause Surveys https://wearemorphus.com/pages/research-surveys
Morphus Supplements https://bit.ly/3qD2RoV
Connect with Zora:
Hack My Age Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hack-my-age/id1531105768
Zora Benhamou https://hackmyage.com/
The Menopause Society: Menopause.org
Ultrahuman Ring: http://ultrahuman.com/andreadonsky
Support our SPONSORS:
Qualia https://bit.ly/42mtvmx CODE MORPHUS15
BEAM Minerals https://bit.ly/41DCG1w Code MORPHUS
EnergyBits https://bit.ly/49f05YV Code MORPHUS
Livon: https://bit.ly/3EjrcGG CODE MORPHUS Order 1 carton of Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C at LivOnLabs.com & get 1 carton of B Complex Plus FREE ($56 value) just by adding both products to the cart
Timeline: timeline.com/morphus CODE MORPHUS
MyVitalC https://bit.ly/3EQ9bAf CODE MORPHUS15
▸ TIKTOK | @andreadonsky & @wearemorphus
▸ Instagram | @wearemorphus & @andreadonsky
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