Menopause Reimagined with Andrea Donsky
✨Welcome to Menopause Reimagined.✨
I'm your host Andrea Donsky, a Multiple-Award Winning nutritionist (almost 20 years), and I'm IN menopause. I'm a Menopause Educator, Menopause Researcher, and the Co-founder of www.wearemorphus.com, a company dedicated to helping you manage your menopausal symptoms.
The goal of this podcast is to empower you to take control of your perimenopause & menopause symptoms with nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, research and hormones (if that's what you choose to do) so you can thrive through this phase of your life.
No topic is off limits because I'm on a mission to banish the stigma of menopause by talking about it openly and honestly.
You're NOT crazy and you're NOT alone because we have each other. 💜
Follow me on TikTok (@andreadonsky) & Instagram (@andreadonsky & @wearemorphus).
Thanks for listening.
Menopause Reimagined with Andrea Donsky
Episode #6: How to Improve Brain Health in Perimenopause and Menopause
Bryce Wylde, a leading Alternative Medicine Expert, explains how our hormones change when we are in perimenopause and menopause, and how they affect our brain. He also shares the right supplements to support our brain health in perimenopause and menopause.
Want to connect with other women in perimenopause or menopause in a private community? Looking for information, solutions and real talk about the many symptoms women experience. Click here:https://bit.ly/2MsxBBf to join our FREE WeAreMorphus support group where we share, laugh, cry and learn about menopause and beyond.
// T I M E S T A M P S
0:00 Introduction
0:23 Bryce Wylde's bio
0:52 How does a decrease in estrogen affect brain health?
1:18 Serotonin, a feel good neurotransmitter
4:53 What is perimenopause?
5:20 What is menopause?
7:22 Hot flashes
7:45 Mood and menopause
8:23 What can we do to help brain health in perimenopause and menopause?
9:09 Menopause and genetics
10:00 Estrogen and genetics
12:06 BDNF and brain health
12:34 SERMS - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators
15:02 Bryce's funny hot flash story (a prank his teacher pulled on her students to make them understand what it feels like to have a hot flash).
16:39 Managing menopause symptoms
17:01 Sage for hot flashes
17:43 5 Hydroxytryptophan (precursor to serotonin and melatonin)
18:30 Brain Armour and omega 3's
19:47 L-theanine for stress, brain fog, better focus, concentration and relaxation
21:40 Metabolism and insulin sensitivity
23:00 Menopause and blood sugar regulation
24:38 Cravings, blood sugar, insulin spikes, and intermittent fasting
26:51 Exercise and night sweats
27:29 Managing stress, meditation, and deep/rhythmic breathing
29:47 Managing stress and immune health
30:00 Managing chronic stress
31:03 Quercetin, immunity and brain health
31:50 Zinc and immune health
32:34 How much quercetin should we be taking?
35:23 Vitamin C and vitamin D dosages
36:18 Bryce's thoughts for women in perimenopause and menopause (a summary of all of his recommendations)
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Qualia https://bit.ly/42mtvmx CODE MORPHUS15
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EnergyBits https://bit.ly/49f05YV Code MORPHUS
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